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 by instructors of the Faculty of Political Science, Prince of Songkla University, Pattani Campus.


Statement of the Faculty of Political Science, PSU Pattani Campus
In support of negotiations to solve problems, organizing referendums on amending the 2007 Constitution, reviewing structural issues with the motto "Multicolor Politics, Respecting Differences, Persevering on the Path of Conflicts"
From the burning political situation, particularly when protesters marched to various key locations in Bangkok to pressure the government to dissolve parliament and the government declared a state of severe emergency.  The mentioned situation has created pressure on the Thai society, particularly for those who live in the capity city, and could potentially lead to confrontation and direct use of force, whether from the government or from the protesters themselves. 
Faculty members of the Faculty of Political Science, Prince of Songkla University - Pattani Campus, are greatly concerned about the on-going political situation and would like to express the following issues and political stances:
1.The Faculty deem that there is an urgent need to move forward and organize a referendum to amend the 2007 Constitution in order to modify political rules to be just and in accordance with the need of the majority of the people.  However, this conflict cannot be dissolved by solving technical, political problems e.g. dissolution of the house and re-election, but requires a review of all directions of national development and administration and an objective of solving all structural problems.
 2. As an institution that operates within the conflict area in the Southern Border Provinces, the Faculty deem that the current political conflict, which the Thai society is facing, is a phase of political development where Thai people are learning about diverse channels in making political movement.  It is a step in the expression of opinions and political rights and liberties on the basis of collective responsibility and respect for difference of opinion.
3.The current situation of conflict that is present in the capital has a common characteristic with the situation in the South, i.e. the "prejudice" that has been created and re-manufactured under the different colors of the shirt and differences in political ideology.  This "prejudice" will become the conditions for a prolonged war of negative sentiments between the masses.  We would like to call for all sides to stop the creation of prejudice against each other, which would harm the Thai society in the long term.
4. Therefore, the Faculty encourage all sides in the society to endure the conflict and face each other to negotiate and solve the problem of differences of political ideology at this present time.
We agree that dissolution of parliament is one of the essential ways to solve this problem-at-hand.  However, the solution to the problem must also include amending political rules, paving a way towards political development and national administration through direct participation of the people to amend political rules to be more fair and in accordance with the need of the majority of the people in the country.
In term of expression of opinion on policies, which requires a facilitating public space, all actors must have freedom and fair rights in expression of political opinions in a peaceful manner and not be threatened at any time and place.
Lastly, the Faculty would like to extend its emotional support to the Thai people to be strong and go through this crisis of conflicts without prematurely denying, having boredom, or detesting politics. Our demands are for "negotiations to solve problems, organizing referendums on amending the 2007 Constitution, and reviewing structural issues" with the motto of "Multicolor Politics, Respecting Differences, Persevering on the Path of Conflicts"
Faculty of Political Science, Prince of Songkla University, Pattani Campus
10 April 2010