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MARA Patani sedang mengikuti perkembangan protes penduduk Krabi dan Thepha di Bangkok terhadap cadangan pembinaan stesyen letrik arang batu .
Kami telah berulangkali mengingatkan kerajaan Thai berkenaan isu sensitif ini , di atas dan di luar meja dialog , akan kesan yang tidak diingini sekiranya suara dan kebimbangan rakyat tidak ditangani dengan sewajarnya.
Kami menggesa pihak kerajaan mengkaji semula keputusan tersebut, membuka ruang untuk perbincangan dan penelitian bersama rakyat , seterusnya mempertimbangkan pembatalannya sekiranya rakyat tempatan terus menolak projek itu.
MARA Patani berdiri teguh bersama penduduk Krabi dan Thepha menentang mana-mana keputusan yang membelakangi dan bertentangan dengan aspirasi rakyat.
Abu Hafez Al-Hakim- untuk MARA Patani
19 Febuari 2017
MARA Patani is closely monitoring with concern the on-going protest in Bangkok by the people of Krabi and Thepha against the proposed coal power plant .
We have repeatedly cautioned the Thai government on this sensitive and delicate issue, both on and off the dialogue table, of the unfavorable outcome if the people's voice and anxiety are not addressed accordingly.
We urge the government to review its decision , open space for further discussion and evaluation with the people and consider terminating the project if the locals consistently oppose the proposed plant.
MARA Patani stands in solidarity with the people of Krabi and Thepha against any decision that ignores and contradicts with the inspiration of the people.
Abu Hafez Al-Hakim - for MARA Patani.
19 February 2017.