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Ya seen Al-Quran 36/1

       In the HOLLY QURAN there is one letter that no one know
the meanning.
       ALLAH spoke about me and my address and there are 12 meannings.
SEEN in arabic is equal S in English. So YA SEEN means.
       1. YA SA-AD      - my grandfather.
       2. YA SEM        - my father.
       3. YA SALIYAH    - my mother.
       4. YA SUKREE     - my boss.
       5. YA SIRIWAN    - my wife.
       6. YA SANTI      - my name in Thai.(HASSAN)
       7. YA SALAAM     - SANTI means SALAAM in arabic and means PEACE.
       8. YA SI SIP PEAD- My house's number is 48 and 48 says in Thai
                          is SI SIB PEAD.
       9. YA SAM YEAK KHUAN SATOR - my local name of my house is SAM
                          YEAK KHUAN SATOR.
       10.YA SATUN      - SATUN is the province that I stay.
       11.YA SOUTHERN OF THAILAND - SATUN is in Southern.
       12.YA SIAM       - Siam is the former name of Thailand.
